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Transaction Management

Search Criteria

1 ITI-1 Maintain Time
NTP transactions used to maintain time synchronization.
Final Text
2 ITI-65 Provide Document Bundle
This transaction is used to transfer documents and metadata and is analogous to a Provide and Register Document Set-b transaction. 
Trial Implementation
3 ITI-67 Find Document References
This transaction is used to issue parameterized queries that result in a list of Document Reference resources.
Trial Implementation
4 ITI-68 Retrieve Document
This transaction is used to get documents.
Trial Implementation
5 ITI-66 Find Document Lists
This transaction is used to locate and return metadata for previously stored document submission sets or folders.
Trial Implementation
6 ITI-83 Mobile Patient Identifier Cross-Reference Query
Performs a query against a patient identifier cross-reference manager using HTTP, REST, and JSON/XML message encoding
Trial Implementation
7 ITI-85 Query for Alert Status
This transaction is used by the Alert Reporter to query an Alert Aggregator for alert status information as communicated to an Alert Aggregator for a particular alert. 
Trial Implementation
8 ITI-84 Mobile Report Alert
This transaction is used by the Alert Reporter to report alerts to the Alert Aggregator.  The Alert Reporter sends alerts to the Alert Aggregator actor in an unsolicited manner. 
Trial Implementation
9 PCC-19 Evaluate Order
Evaluates an order against guidelines and/or policies to determine its appropriateness in a given context.
Trial Implementation
10 PCC-20 Invoke Questionnaire
Displays the CDS questionnaire using HTML web pages and returns the result invoker
Trial Implementation
11 ITI-20 Record Audit Event
The delivery of an audit event description from any secure node to the Audit Repository.
Final Text
12 ITI-81 Retrieve ATNA Audit Event
Retrieve Audit Records. Search ATNA audit records based upon queries using ATNA audit record content.
Trial Implementation
13 ITI-82 Retrieve Syslog Event
Retrieve Syslog Messages. Search syslog messages based upon using the syslog metadata.
Trial Implementation
14 RAD-124 Transfer Multiple Events
Transfer Multiple Events delivers syslog messages in bulk as a single RESTful transaction. The payload format is the same as for Retrieve Syslog Message [ITI-82].
Trial Implementation
15 ITI-87 Submit File
This transaction allows a File Source to publish a file and related metadata, or to update or replace an existing file. 
Trial Implementation
16 ITI-89 Update DocumentReference
This transaction allows a File Source to update file metadata. 
Trial Implementation
17 ITI-88 Search File
This transaction allows a File Consumer to query for a file metadata that meets certain criteria 
Trial Implementation
18 ITI-78 Mobile Patient Demographics Query
Performs a query against a patient demographics supplier using HTTP, REST, and JSON/XML message encoding.
Trial Implementation
19 PCC-44 Mobile Query Existing Data
This transaction uses RESTful API to query clinical data elements and retrieve them as sets of FHIR resources.

The Mobile Query Existing Data transaction is used to query for clinical fine grained data elements that satisfy a set of parameters by using the FHIR framework. The result of the query is a FHIR Bundle containing FHIR clinical data Resources that match the query parameters.

The QEDm Profile assumes that categories and codes referenced by these FHIR Resources need to be defined at the time of deployment. The specification of these FHIR Resources make recommendations on categories and codes that should be considered.

Trial Implementation
20 QRPH-47 VRDR Query
The Data Consumer retrieves death reporting related health information from the Data responder. 

The Data Consumer is responsible for creating a FHIR-based request for death reporting related health information and retrieving this information from the Data responder.

The Data Responder responds to the request for death reporting related health information or provides the appropriate response if the information does not exist. 

VRDR (DEC 2019): This transaction supports queries for Death Reporting information.
Trial Implementation
    Copyright IHE 2025
  • Gazelle 9.4.0
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